As you may be noticing, we’re currently rocking through our set of features that we need and want to build to achieve true marketplace feature parity and keep innovating in the space.

PS: don’t forget that we catalog all of these in the product changelog.

Last week we announced in-platform messaging which is a big step forward  on Credo towards empowering both sides of the market to connect.

This week we have some more new features to announce that have been requested at length.

They are:

  • New client billing email – ability for clients to specify an alternate email for billing notifications and invoices
  • New billing “paused” status – Credo ability to pause billing on a project
  • Project completion bug fixes for clients to view deliverables – previously there was a bug keeping pros and clients from seeing a project once all deliverables are uploaded and feedback is sent. That is now fixed.
  • Project creation funnel updates – A few alterations to the onboarding flow to make it more seamless for everyone.

Here’s a bit more information about each.

💵 New client billing email field

This is a new field in Account Settings for every Client (aka, person hiring a marketing provider). This gives the ability to specify an alternate email for billing notifications and invoices.

It is found here:

⏸️ New billing “paused” status

Sometimes a project needs to be paused for unforeseen reasons. This gives us the ability to pause the project until a future time.

🐛 Project completion bug fixes for clients to view deliverables

We recently found a major bug that kept pros and clients from seeing a project once all deliverables are uploaded and feedback is sent.

That is now fixed.

Project creation funnel updates

Since 2015 a lot of the work getting new projects into Credo has been manual by our team. We’re now working towards a more seamless process for clients and pros to facilitate easier creation and quicker times to being introduced and ultimately getting to work.

There’s more to come here.